Move Out Cleaning Strathfield, NSW 2135

Use our "move out" cleaning services and get 100% of your bond money back - 100% Guaranteed!
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1300 034 788

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Our Move Out Cleaning Team

Move out cleaning for bond back in Strathfield

Are you getting ready to move? This time of your life is likely a confusing mixture of excitement, fear, optimism, and stress all at the same time. A move is typically prefaced with a significant life change like getting a new job, the kids moving out, or a growing family.

You have a lot to consider during this busy time, and taking care of Strathfield move out cleaning to the degree that will get your deposit back or ensure the best sale price is easier said than done. As you review your move out to-do list, it’s worth serious consideration to add professional move out cleaning.

Move Out Cleaning

Five Reasons Professional Strathfield Move Out Cleaning is an Investment That Pays Back

We all like to save where we can, especially considering all the expenses involved with a move. It seems logical that doing things yourself would save money, but this isn’t always the case, all things considered. When it comes to move out cleaning, there are several ways in which hiring the professionals can actually save money when it’s all said and done:

  • You don’t have to purchase any cleaning supplies or rent tools like carpet cleaners.
  • Time is money, and you don’t have to spend hours scrubbing floors, dusting fan blades, and scouring bathrooms. 
  • You can avoid the costly repairs involved when you accidentally cause damage by using the wrong cleaning supplies.
  • If you own your home, a quicker sale is more likely when professionally cleaned. 
  • Improve your chances of receiving your deposit back if you rent.

Moving out is a stress-free by trusting our Move Out Cleaning Service in Strathfield

Even with the best of preparation, moving can be a stressful experience. Completing the final inspection of the cleanliness of your rental can cause’ recipe for an emotional breakdown. Hire Move Out Cleaning Strathfield instead!

Move Out Cleaning Service In Homebush

Why Choose us for your Move Out Cleaning Strathfield?

When you count on the experienced team of professionals here at Clean Australia Service, you can expect nothing less than premium quality. We work with you to ensure we know the best way to match your budget with your expectations.

With a diverse array of cleaning services available, we can make sure even the most intricate details are taken care of. Best of all, we provide three easy ways to generate a free quote, each of which walks you through everything that needs to be considered to ensure you get the service you expect. Get yours now.

Move Out Cleaning Strathfield Olympic Park: Bond Back Guarantee

Bond Back Guarantee - End of Lease Cleaning Service Sydney

Our bond back guarantee means that you do not have to worry about being called back to the property after the final inspection for cleaning, or charged a cleaning fee out of your bond.

The bond back guarantee means that we take full responsibility of the cleaning and work with the real estate agents to make sure they are happy with the cleaning and you get your full bond returned. This is one of the biggest benefits of a bond cleaning and end of lease cleaning service.

If the real estate agent thinks something has not been cleaned correctly, they contact us and we come out within 72 hours to ensure the job is completed.

What will you get from our Move Out Cleaning?

Upon arriving at your residence, the bond cleaning team checks every area to ensure everything that may need cleaning is on the list. They'll note the areas that might require extra cleaning to ensure everything is left spotless.

Kitchen & Oven Cleaning Service - Moving Out Cleaners Sydney

Kitchen & Oven

Floors will be vacuumed and mopped, benchtops and surfaces will be polished. We will clean them thoroughly, such as the cooker top hops and knobs. Our kitchen clean includes scrubbing the sink area, wash bins, sanitising all electrical appliances.

Living Area - End Of Lease Cleaning Service Sydney

Living Areas

Sparkling surfaces! We will dust appliances and decorations—clean carpets and rugs of every kind. We polished the furniture, skirting boards, electrical sockets, and cleaned the window sills. You will no longer have cobwebs, and if you wish, we can dust additional windows or blinds.

Bedrooms - End Of Lease Cleaning Service Sydney


Our end of lease cleaning service will turn your bedroom dust to zero. We will thoroughly clean floors and surfaces along with mirrors and pictures. Dust inside and outside your wardrobes, cupboards, and drawers will be gone in no time.

Bathroom - Bond Cleaning Service Sydney


Who doesn't want squeaky clean bathrooms? Vacuumed and mopped floor, polished sink and cabinet, sanitised and disinfected toilet, shower and bath-up. We even wipe clean and dried bathroom accessories, taps and fixtures.

Entrance & Front Door - End Of Lease Cleaning Service Sydney


Surfaces such as banisters and railings will be dusted, and floors will be cleaned and mopped.

Window - End Of Lease Cleaning Service Sydney

Window Cleaning

Scratchless window washing that leaves your glass dazzling. Clean Australia Service will clean both sides of the windows (exclusions apply at heights and accessibility). We will clean the outdoor windows whenever possible (excluding windows at heights or with difficult access), but we cannot guarantee them due to weather conditions.

Carpet Steam Cleaning - Moving Out Cleaners Sydney

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Clean Australia Service carpet cleaning service is sufficient to restore your carpets' luster. Our professionally trained team of specialists employs exact, environmentally safe processes to skillfully deep clean and clean carpets and rugs.

Balcony Pressure Wash - End of Lease Cleaning Service Sydney

Balcony Tiles Pressure Wash

We can ensure that you will receive Sydney tile and grout cleaning tailored to the type of tiles you have and the amount of cleaning required. Plus, without having to meticulously clean them yourself, you can be confident that the task will be completed, and your tiles and floors will look like new again!

Additional Rooms - Move Out Cleaning Service Sydney

Additional Rooms

Any extra rooms such as balconies, garages and study rooms will be thoroughly cleaned upon request for an additional fee. The end of lease cleaning is not hourly based, and we determine the estimate of the job by the amount of workload. You can request a customised bond cleaning with a few simple clicks.

Trust us!
We guarantee bond back, and hassle-free move out cleaning!

Competitive Pricing

Clean Australia Service End of Cleaning aim to removing the stress of moving is more than just relieving the burden of the workload. We understand that moving may be costly, and that adding a cleaning service on top of that can often blow the budget.

We offer a fair price structure for every task to ensure you receive the most value for money with our cleaning service, relieving not only your time but also financial pressures.

Our end of lease cleaning are also specialists at what they do, so you can trust that they will work swiftly, effectively and leave you with a high-quality outcome, ensuring that you get your bond returned after the job.

Additional Services

One of the things that make us the optimum choice for bond cleaners in Sydney is our wide range of services.

Our extensive selection of services is one factor that makes us the best choice for bond cleaners in Australia. While we are bond cleaning professionals, we also provide various other services such as carpet cleaning and window cleaning.

This saves you from hunting for multiple cleaning services and ensures that you receive the quality and efficiency of having someone take care of everything for you. That is just one of the many reasons why we are your one-stop service for all of your moving out and bond cleaning needs.

Eco - friendly Products

We are proud to use eco - friendly products on all of our Clean Australia Services jobs.

We are happy to employ eco-friendly materials on all Clean Australia Services procedures. We know that we must be safeguarded the earth and the environment around us. The harsh chemicals commonly used by cleaners can harm the environment.

We take our environmental responsibilities seriously, right down to the cleaning materials we use, which is why we make a concerted effort to utilize eco-friendly products on our cleaning services.

Move Out Cleaning FAQs

We provide move out cleaning services to most of Sydney, including:

Sit back & relax while Clean Australia Service makes your home sparkling clean!

Our move out cleaning team is very qualified and well trained. We know how to make things work even in the most stressful situations like moving out. We use high end cleaning equipment and techniques to ensure better, faster and more effective cleaning. Our products are of high quality and eco-friendly.

Do you have plans for moving out anytime soon? Want to talk to the expert cleaners? Feel free to talk to us at- 1300 034 788 or mail us at You can also check our Google reviews and Facebook reviews to make sure that we are the best move out cleaning service provider in Sydney.

Are you living in Sydney? Do you have plans for moving out anytime soon? Do you want to speak with a professional cleaner?
Feel free to talk to us at 1300 034 788 or mail us at You can also check our Google reviews and Facebook reviews to make sure that we are the best move out cleaning service provider in Sydney.

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Cleaning Needs

Let Clean Australia Service do the cleaning so you can use your time for the activities you enjoy more.

Fill in all fields below and our friendly customer care specialist will be in touch with you shortly, or call us today on 1300 034 788

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